A Critique of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
I recently got around to playing Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. I’m going to take a contrarian view and argue this game is not very good at all.
Meandering Through a Literary Life
I recently got around to playing Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. I’m going to take a contrarian view and argue this game is not very good at all.
This article presents a Codex Card Game review. The game was developed by Sirlin Games and attempts to replicate the RTS genre in card game form. Is it successful?
In the past, I’ve written about video games as an important experience for people who value art. Roguelike games are particularly great examples of this. In honor of junethack, a month-long NetHack tournament, I want to defend roguelike games in general, and NetHack in particular, as a means of providing an experience that is difficult … Read more
In October, I wrote a post in defense of gaming in which the central argument is a claim that any person who takes experiencing art as an important human experience should consider certain types of games as a worthwhile use of time as well. Some games are basically interactive films, but some are much more … Read more
Are video games art? What a bizarre question. It has been debated through the years, but I’m not sure there is anyone out there that has seriously thought about the question and is willing to defend that they are not. The debate seems over and the conclusion is that video games are art. Ebert’s Objection … Read more
Artistic pacing is a favorite criticism of art critics I read online. Let’s dive into what it means and if it is legitimate. Too Slow Pacing This topic is very relevant to me right now. The past two movies I saw have been heavily criticised for being too slowly paced (Moon and Departures). Two of … Read more
Ah. Meaningless art. That phrase can make those of us who have dedicated our lives to some artistic pursuit cringe. I recently read Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami. Murakami brings up many fantastic themes in a very complicated plot but uses a simple writing style. The novel drops a truth bomb in the … Read more